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Xu Qin Announced as the Winner of the 2022 Lin Zhao Freedom Award

China Aid announced Xu Qin (徐秦) as the Winner of the 2022 Lin Zhao Freedom Award.

Xu is a well-known activist who served as the secretary general of the civil organization “China Human Rights Watch” and a spokesperson for Rose Team (玫瑰中國), a group committed to promoting political dialogue. Her coworkers Qin Yongmin and Liu Xinglian were arrested in 2015, but Xu remained unafraid and continued her work. On Feb. 9, 2018, before the trial of Qin Yongmin’s case for subversion of state power, Chinese officials detained Ms. Xu. On March 11, she was placed under residential surveillance. She was indicted on April 24, 2020, on suspicion of “inciting subversion of state power” and ultimately arrested on Nov. 4, 2021 and is currently detained in the Yangzhou City Detention Center.

The Lin Zhao Freedom Award is awarded in honor of Lin Zhao, a Chinese Christian who was murdered for her dissent against the Communist Party.

“Ms. Xu exemplifies the legacy of Lin Zhao in her commitment to her faith and pursuit of a free democratic China even at great cost to herself. We admire her courage and pray for justice for her case. We urge the world to do the same,” said Dr. Bob Fu, Founder and President of ChinaAid.

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