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Japan Forms a Parliamentary Caucus to Monitor Human Rights Violations by the CCP

Japan Forms a Parliamentary Caucus to Monitor Human Rights Violations by the CCP

Japanese parliamentarians announced the formation of a parliamentary caucus to monitor human rights violations by the Chinese Communist Party in East Turkestan, Tibet and Southern Mongolia on December 5, 2022. Keiji Furuya and Hiromi Mitsuybayashi of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) were elected chair and secretary general of the caucus. Yoshiko Sakurai of the Japan Institute for National Foundations, a think tank, was appointed as an advisor to the caucus.

The Japanese House of Councillors earlier that day also passed a resolution condemning human rights and religious freedom violations by China. The resolution expressed grave concern about the serious human rights situation in East Turkestan, Tibet, Southern Mongolia, Hong Kong, and other regions.

(Lobsang Sangay, former President of the CTA, with some of the members of the Caucus)

Japanese legislators Keiji Furuya, Hiromi Mitusbayashi, Shimomura Hakubun, as well as about 50 parliamentarians and staff members, including prominent members of the ruling party,  Sanae Takaichi, Minister of State for Economic Security, Yoshiko Sakurai, President of the Japan Institute of National Fundamentals, Tsewang Gyalpo Arya, the representative of the Tibet Office in Japan, and special guest speakers Dr Lobang Sangay, Harvard scholar and former Sikyong of the CTA, Dolkun Isa of the World Uyghur Congress, Professor Ohno Akira of Shizuoka University, and Daichin Olhunud of the Southern Mongolian Congress were in attendance during the meeting at the Parliament of Japan.

More than 100 Japanese Parliamentarians have reportedly joined the newly formed Caucus.

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