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The Institute for China’s Democratic Transition

The Institute for China’s Democratic Transition

The Institute for China’s Democratic Transition is a non-profit research and educational institution. It is dedicated to studying and introducing the democratic transition and economic reform that have taken place around the world in recent decades, summarizing the experience and lessons that China can learn from at present and in the future, and providing necessary theoretical support and knowledge reserve for China’s political and economic transformation and institutional construction.

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The Institute for China’s Democratic Transition
The Institute for China’s Democratic Transition
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One Freedom is how the Asia Freedom Institute (AFI) designated the community of organizations, alliances and coalitions working to promote freedom and democracy in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and PRC-occupied territories. Many of these organizations work globally, lobby foreign governments, conduct primary research, bring uncensored news and voices from people living in China and Chinese-occupied territories to the world, and counter PRC’s malign influence in Asia and across the globe. AFI will spotlight and amplify the work of these organizations.

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