The Central Tibetan Administration (aka Tibetan Government in Exile) was established by the Dalai Lama in 1959 and is located in Dharamsala, India. The CTA is the legitimate representative of Tibetan people both in and outside Tibet. It was set up to address the twin task of restoration of freedom for Tibetans and rehabilitation of Tibetan refugees. The CTA has three pillars of democracy, executive, legislature and judiciary. The CTA is led by the Sikyong (President) who is directly elected by the exile Tibetan population for a term of five years. The Tibetan Parliament in Exile consists of 45 members. CTA has offices in thirteen cities across the globe in Brussels, Canberra, Geneva, Kathmandu, London, Moscow, New Delhi, Paris, Pretoria, Sao Paulo, Taipei, Tokyo and Washington, DC.


Central Tibetan Administration
Tibet’s Stolen Child. Remembering the Story of the 11th Panchen Lama Gedhun Choekyi Nyima

Central Tibetan Administration
Memorandum and Note on Genuine Autonomy for the Tibetan People

One Freedom is how the Asia Freedom Institute (AFI) designated the community of organizations, alliances and coalitions working to promote freedom and democracy in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and PRC-occupied territories. Many of these organizations work globally, lobby foreign governments, conduct primary research, bring uncensored news and voices from people living in China and Chinese-occupied territories to the world, and counter PRC’s malign influence in Asia and across the globe. AFI will spotlight and amplify the work of these organizations.