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Center for Uyghur Studies

Center for Uyghur Studies

The Center for Uyghur Studies (CUS) is a non-profit organization founded in Virginia, United States in December 2020. CUS combines academic research and human rights advocacy and is focused on Uyghur related studies and activities. It conducts various studies on the history, culture and political life of the Uyghurs, excavating historical heritage and developing it on the basis of scientific inheritance. CUS also works to educate the public about the situation of the Uyghurs and other peoples of East Turkistan through research and advocacy. It carries out research and publishes studies and reports to advise on strategic policy recommendations for governments, international organizations and interfaith entities, all through the lens of Uyghur perspective.

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One Freedom is how the Asia Freedom Institute (AFI) designated the community of organizations, alliances and coalitions working to promote freedom and democracy in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and PRC-occupied territories. Many of these organizations work globally, lobby foreign governments, conduct primary research, bring uncensored news and voices from people living in China and Chinese-occupied territories to the world, and counter PRC’s malign influence in Asia and across the globe. AFI will spotlight and amplify the work of these organizations.

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