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AFI President Visits Himalayan Buddhist Communities in India

(Thupstan Chhewang la. Former Ladakh MP and current President of Ladakh Buddhist Association)

AFI President Visits Himalayan Buddhist Communities in India

Kelsang Aukatsang, President of the Asia Freedom Institute (AFI), visited Ladakh, Kashmir and Sikkim from August 14 to 31, 2023. The overall objective of the visit was to introduce the work of AFI; meet with organizations and individuals working on issues related to human rights and religious freedom in China; and identify areas of possible collaboration and programming. Mr. Aukatsang met with various organizations and leaders in Ladakh including Mr. Thupstan Chhewang, President of Ladakh Buddhist Association; Venerable Bhikku Sanghasena of the Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre; Venerable Thupstan Paldan, a well-known Buddhist scholar and author; and a group of Ladakhi scholars and researchers. In Kashmir, Mr. Aukatsang met with leaders and community members of the Tibetan Muslim community in Srinagar and also visited the local Tibetan public school. The Sikkim program included visits and meetings at Namgyal Institute of Tibetology in Gangtok, Rumtek Monastery and meetings with scholars.

(Students of the Tibetan Public School in Srinagar, Kashmir)

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